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The reaction on seeing a Picture

Everyone ’sees’ things differently. If you ask a group of people to select photos that represent honesty and then ask how it represents honesty to them, something else occurs. First of all, there will be differences in how people see the pictures. Some people may not be able to relate to another person’s choice as having anything to do with what you have asked them to represent. Sometimes these differences are dramatic, sometimes more subtle. This process often sparks conversations about those differences and what they mean to each person. This can be a gold mine of information for you as the facilitator. In this example, having your clients use photographs to talk about honesty offers them a way to talk deeply about their beliefs and perceptions both literally and figuratively. You are extending an invitation to them to express what is most dear about their personal values in a non-threatening way. Through this process you can open the door to multi-dimensional discussions instead of ones that maybe ask an ‘either/or’ question. Is honesty like a tree that has deep roots and many branches? Or is honesty like a whale that makes waves when it comes crashing down into the water in which it lives? Is it situational; do you select different pictures to represent honesty at work and honesty at home? You can apply this process to a lot of other topics such as: trust, integrity, commitment, respect……etc.

Awareness of diversity emerges from the conversation about the photos.:

Awareness about diverse perceptions happens naturally and consistently. How people label the process may be different. Some people might call it diversity while others use words like culture, cross-cultural, intercultural or other variations. But differences surface, and values get called out along with the differences in perception between people. As a facilitator and trainer, the better I get at understanding how to assist people in reaching across differences, the more effectively I can serve my clients.

Why I keep talking about diversity and visual communications

At VisualsSpeak, we start conversations with photographs. When people select photographs in response to a question, they naturally select things that reflect their values. Values are deeply held, and tell a cultural group how to discern good from bad, and right from wrong. Our cultural values are at the core of what drives our beliefs and assumptions. Diversity is quite complex. The Four Layers of Diversity from Gardenswartz and Rowe begins to show many of the factors that form who we are and what we believe. This myriad of factors influencing our cultural values provide many opportunities for differences to arise. Some of the most difficult ones to accommodate are when two or more people hold a common value, and yet the behavior they each use to express that value is different.